It seems like a normal question, but it totally isn't.
Feelings are felt. You know because you feel them. Explaining them is totally different, of course. Like you can feel the air moving, but you need to hold up a wetted finger to know the wind's direction. So what is the equivalent of a wetted finger for our minds?
Well, what does your body tell you? Do an awareness check: hands cold? What about your feet? Are they turned inward, towards each other, or outward, open to the world? Are your shoulders tense anywhere? Do you have a smile on your face? or not? How does your throat feel? [We can get sore throats from the strength needed to keep our voice silent] What about your stomach and intestines, are they clenched? rumbling? feeling crowded? hungry? And if you're feeling hungry, what is it you want to eat? Our food choices say a lot about our state of mind/heart. What colour are you wearing now? Is it a favourite? What colour do you hate, would never wear? Why? How does it make you feel?
So do a body check :)
Now, the fact that you need to ask the question means that you do have feelings, and you are conflicted about those feelings.
Which is fine! A totally normal human condition :)
So, what to do? First - and this is a very important first!- be gentle with yourself. Allow your feelings to express themselves in the safety of your mind and heart. You can say absolutely anything to yourself! It doesn't even have to be true! Exaggerate as much as you want. This is all between you and yourself. Be free. No fear! You have a right to your own feelings!
At the same time - and this too is most important :) - listen to yourself [all your selves]. Listen quietly and attentively. Observe calmly. Pay careful attention. Be detached from all those talking feeling selves even while acknowledging them.
There is so much beauty in you! So much wonderful flowing energy and emotion. Appreciate it.
That done, as best you can, smile.
You already know all you need to know :) You have all the answers. Keep talking to me :)