Saturday, 8 March 2014

Know Your Self

There's no trying about it. Because you already know. What you do is remove the layers of ignorance, the lead covering the gold - though I wouldn't chose gold myself. It is too soft and malleable  :) . Though the colour is warm and glowing. I would add diamond to the description of my core. Hard. Brilliant. Reflecting all the colors possible in light. Fashioned out of the coals of time. Under hard continuing unrelenting pressure.  But what a magnificent result. So diamond entwined with gold. Who's to say that it's not possible  :).  So you discover yourself/ourselves by unwrapping all those superimposed layers over your own brilliance. There is no failure possible. Because the knowledge you seek is already inside you. Is already there. You are not losing anything whichever way you go about it or however long you take. It's a work in  progress. Yes. And you can take as long as you like or do it in moments. Your choice. It is always your choice. My choice :)

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