Thursday, 20 March 2014


There is a person whose posture I admire. So I've been trying to imitate it. Standing in front of the mirror. Half sideways so I could see more angles. But however much I straightened, something still looked wrong. Something about the shoulders. I kept trying to get them into this optimum position. Till, finally, I kept my elbows in close by my sides. Pushed my shoulders down and back. Then I bent my arms at the elbow, 90 degree angle, swiveled my arms out to the sides. Palms up. Ah! Got it. 

But how on earth am I supposed to walk around like that! It takes practice. And if you don't want your arms broken you have to keep your hands beside you somewhere and just imagine them swiveled. OK. got it. 
One more thing: you have to watch out for your legs. Yep. They think they have to swivel out too. But no. They have to be held together, toes pointing forward, not sideways. The feet should be balanced on the soles, not on the sides. Good luck, walking! It's become an adventure. 
I teach my body while standing at bus stops. Sitting in the bus. Standing. Walking. But I forget when I'm reading or on the computer. 
I think those who practiced horse-back riding for a long while have an advantage. You have to exert constant pressure on the horse's sides. Keep your heels down. 
Hmmm. Practice. See: these are the fun exercises you can do anytime you're stuck waiting for something. Press your legs together. Feet. Knees. Thighs. OK. Imagine pressing as if you're trying to go right through. On ten seconds. Off ten seconds. But not fully off. You use more muscle power when you don't let them relax completely. 
Meanwhile, you're also keeping your elbows in and your shoulders down and back. 
The daily commute passes in one flash of exercise.  Great fun :)   I'm even walking better.


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